
How to Get Motivated in Life

Motivation is such a fickle thing, isn’t it? One minute you’re feeling on top of the world, and the next minute you can hardly get off the sofa! When you’re feeling down, cortisol and other stress hormones can take over, making you feel weaker and unmotivated. It’s hard to get going from this state, but…

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Stay Warm While Skiing

How Do You Stay Warm While Skiing?

There is nothing quite like the feeling of the wind blowing past you as you go down the slopes. Even though skiing can create an amazing feeling of independence, you also need to stay warm. The higher up you go on the mountain, the colder you will get. If you allow yourself to get cold, your muscles…

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Folding Bike

Why Every Parent Needs a Folding Bike

The folding bicycle is often overlooked by most people. To hardcore cyclists they are not hardcore enough, whereas day-to-day bicycle users tend to go for rigid frames, assuming a foldable bike won’t be sturdy enough. However, there is a growing demand for fold-up bikes amongst parents whose cycling needs differ from most other people’s. If…

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