Categories of Narrative Story Writing

Categories of Narrative Story Writing

Did you know narratives have been around since the beginning of folk tales and ancient poetry? There are diverse and cosmic tales to tell. Authors can outline stories in various ways to capture the attention of the target audience. As an author, it’s vital to comprehend the type of narrative being scripted to help you reach more people effectively.

Authors like Daniel Handler unify special events by idea or concept to develop a unique story. Whether you are writing a narrative essay, a novel, a short story, or a biography, it is imperative to include an essential beginning, middle, and end. Storytelling through narrative writing entails presenting related concepts to create a good flow of a story.

Common Types of Narrative Writing

Non-linear narrative: This form of writing encompasses the presentation of events while employing flashbacks and other literary devices. Novels may incorporate non-linear narratives within the timeline to emphasize emotional mindset or create thematic connections between non-contemporary concepts.

Linear Narrative: This storytelling style entails the presentation of events in the order in which they took place. An author can opt to accomplish a story through the perspective of using either first-person narrative, second-person narrative, or third-person narrative. Author Daniel Handler used this form of writing when he penned the A Series of Unfortunate Events books.

The linear narrative captures the audience’s attention as the reader is immersed in the chronological unfolding of events. The narrative unfolds the plot linearly.

Quest Narrative: The protagonist in the story works tirelessly toward a target. Storytelling through this form of writing entails a pursuit of a goal with the character facing insurmountable obstacles. The passion for the purpose of the set goal creates an overall urge and suspense in a story.

Viewpoint Narrative: This style is designed to encompass the characters’ points of view in the story. In most cases, the narrator presents the information subjectively and in an untrustworthy manner. Narrators’ moods and feelings are filtered. Private thoughts of multiple central characters switch in between the first-person narrative and third-person narration.


Authors create distinct books in varying forms to capture the attention of the reader while passing concepts effectively. A simplified style of writing, especially for children, is crucial in getting readers’ attention. Novels and other reading materials by sought-after authors incorporate distinct unfolding of events. As an author, it is critical to identify your prospective readers in relation to your narration ability.