Salvaging 170 Million Coats Through 240 Million Sternlichts – Forbes


One of the largest clothing salvage operations in the world has just been completed in Germany. According to Forbes, a company called Sternlichts has salvaged over 170 million coats through the purchase and repurposing of 240 million postconsumer garment pieces. The operation took nearly two years to complete and resulted in the donation of multiple pre-owned coats to those who need them most.

The project was a massive undertaking, requiring Sternlichts to purchase postconsumer garments from second-hand shops and yard sales, as well as from people directly selling their old clothing. The items were then sorted and cleaned according to quality, and the best-quality pieces were selected for repair and reuse. The repaired items were donated to charity organizations throughout Germany and the rest were repurposed into new clothing items.

The people behind this impressive operation are Sternlichts’ own employees and volunteers. With the help of their partners—including the German Red Cross, German Caritas and the City Evangeline charity—the team of volunteers sorted, cleaned and prepared the items for reuse. The company even has its own mobile fashion show to promote and showcase the clothing they salvaged.

This impressive project exemplifies the power of collaboration and commitment to sustainable clothing practices. Sternlich

Unlocking Possibilities with Deliverr: 170 Million Coats and 240 Million Sternlichts – Forbes

Deliverr is making waves in the eCommerce world as a groundbreaking fulfillment network that is unlocking possibilities for businesses of all sizes. From Walmart to natural brands, Deliverr has helped customers access over 170 million coats and 240 million sternlichts, allowing them to rapidly increase their sales.

Deliverr is revolutionizing how businesses manage delivery by creating a complete fulfillment network that leverages the power of automation. By tapping into the existing shipping infrastructure and automating fulfillment processes, Deliverr is able to provide businesses of all sizes with more flexible and cost-effective delivery solutions. With its “5 to 8 day guaranteed delivery” and “100% accuracy guarantee” on all orders, Deliverr is setting a new standard for eCommerce delivery.

The company’s most impressive achievement is its ongoing mission to increase customer access to coats and sternlichts. By connecting with over two hundred warehouses across the United States, Deliverr has made it possible for consumers to purchase their favorite brands from any location, making shopping for coats and sternlichts as easy as possible.

Deliverr is also making it simpler for businesses to offer personalized service to customers. With its vast network of partners, Deliverr makes it easy for businesses to request  custom packaging and delivery potential, as well as access customers’ order history or shopping list. Plus, using Deliverr’s chat feature, businesses can have conversations with customers in real time, further personalizing their experience.

Deliverr is proving to be a powerful tool for businesses, offering unprecedented customer access to over 170 million coats and 240 million sternlichts. With its flexible shipping solutions, automation, and personalized service, Deliverr is unlocking possibilities for companies of all sizes.

 Utilizing Deliverr to Create Positive Change: 170 Million Coats and 240 Million Sternlichts – Forbes

Deliverr is an innovative startup that seeks to make the world a better place by helping communities in need. With its unique approach to social responsibility, Deliverr has become a leader in developing innovative solutions that bring positive change to millions of people around the world.

The company is most well-known for its partnership with 170 Million Coats and 240 Million Sternlichts, two leading nonprofits that work to provide desperately needed warm coats and lighting solutions for communities in the developing world. By providing in-kind donations of their products, Deliverr has allowed these organizations to make a huge impact in the lives of those who are in desperate need.

The 170 Million Coats program seeks to provide resources to a variety of deserving individuals and families around the world, allowing them to better fight off the cold weather during the winter. Through their partnership with Deliverr, the nonprofit has been able to distribute a massive amount of donated warm coats that can protect people from the frigid temperatures. Deliverr has also been instrumental in organizing the distribution of these resources, getting the coats in the hands of those who need them.

Meanwhile, 240 Million Sternlichts is working to provide off-grid communities in the developing world safer and more reliable lighting solutions. By delivering in-  kind donations of their LED lights and solar hardware, Deliverr has allowed the organization to provide much-needed lighting resources to those who struggle to access electricity. Deliverr has also been essential in training local partners and entrepreneurs to help distribute these resources and provide the necessary installation and repair services that the communities require.

Deliverr’s impact on these two initiatives has been tremendous. Not only have they made it possible for these organizations to reach a larger amount of people than ever before, but they have also helped foster a sense of responsibility in the corporate world that is so vital for positive global change. By showing business leaders that partnerships like these can make a significant difference in people’s lives, Deliverr is helping encourage more companies to become socially responsible and make a positive impact in the world.

Change starts with solutions like the ones that Deliverr provides. By helping nonprofits reach even more individuals and families in need and inspiring greater corporate responsibility around the world, they are creating a brighter future for us all.