
Food Poisoning

9 Foods that Can Pose Critical Food Poisoning Threats to your Life

Food poisoning is an age-old illness which is mainly caused due to consuming foods that contain harmful bacteria, viruses and other toxins. According to government reports, symptoms of food poisoning begin within six to twenty-four hours of the toxic exposure. Now, the question is how you would spot and consume the right food in order to keep the odds of food poisoning, completely at bay?

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Homemade peppermint patties recipe for a love-infused Diwali gift

Homemade Peppermint Patties Recipe For a Love-Infused Diwali Gift

Are you excited about Diwali? I know this question has an obvious answer because isn’t excited about the Diwali festival. It is one of the most important festivals in India and one of the most celebrated too. Everyone is focused on cleaning their house to make it spotless. But what I have been focusing on lately is to make sure that I send the best Diwali gifts for friends and family this year.

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Pelvic floor exercises all you need to know

Pelvic Floor Exercises All You Need To Know

The pelvic floor muscles get used in both men and women. It is essential for women before and after childbirth, while weakened pelvic floor muscles can be a problem for men to control ejaculation or maintain an erection. Fortunately, most women are familiar with this type of exercise and practice it, especially during pregnancy. But this is far from its only use.

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