A Typical Day in Drug Rehab

A Typical Day in Drug Rehab

If you or someone you know is considering drug addiction treatment from places such as Impact Recovery Center (https://impactrecoverycenter.net/), you may be wondering what to expect during a typical day. There are various forms of drug abuse treatments out there, but the majority of them follow the same standard guidelines for therapy.

Morning Routine in Rehab

No individual in rehab has the option to sleep in during the mornings. You can expect to wake up pretty early and start your day off with a healthy breakfast. There are some programs that even offer classes during the morning, such as mediation or yoga to help individuals start their day off with a relaxed mental state.

Part of the recovery and treatment process consists of designing healthy, new habits, that are meant to become a part of the individual’s routine post-discharge.

Following breakfast, there is normally a group session that takes place and is led by a therapist or counselor. These group sessions discuss topics related to the treatment process, addiction, recovery, and the 12-step program. During treatment, individuals can gain clarity regarding the issues and people in their lives that have influenced their decision to use drugs or alcohol. These meetings are helpful and take place on a daily basis. They also take place in a therapeutic environment that enables each individual to identify their patterns of behavior, so they can recognize triggers to avoid post-treatment.

Afternoon Routine in Drug Rehab

The afternoon normally consists of the most intensive treatment for patients. Following a healthy lunch, patients can expect to undergo a series of therapeutic sessions including:

  • Individual behavioral therapy– One of the most effective methods used in treating addiction is cognitive-behavioral therapy. CBT helps to recognize specific triggers in your behavioral responses. Once those triggers have been identified, your therapist will help you respond in a healthier way to those triggers. These one-on-one sessions allow patients to feel safe and open up to discuss their concerns and fears. The therapist can provide various tools to help relieve anxiety.
  • Group therapy– All individuals must participate in group sessions that allow all individuals to share their struggles of addiction with one another. This can be very beneficial since it allows members to develop a sense of fellowship while in rehab.
  • Family therapy– Family support is crucial during treatment, and many centers include this in their programs. Addiction doesn’t only affect the individual abusing drugs, but the family as well. Many issues are resolved during these sessions, and feelings are addressed.
  • Specialized sessions– Some treatment centers offer specialized therapy sessions that are tailored to different things, such as stress management, grief counseling, anger management, and much more. This allows each individual to deal with issues in a controlled way versus resorting to drugs or alcohol.

Free Time & Evenings in Drug Rehab

All individuals normally get a couple of hours of free time during the afternoon that can be used, however, they choose including basketball, swimming, and many others. Evenings normally consist of another short group session following dinner. Many centers offer a 12-step program during the evenings. These meetings provide a respectful and safe environment for all individuals. These meetings can help with long-term sobriety.

Individuals are encouraged to be in bed at a reasonable hour since healthy habits are strongly encouraged during the program. By getting enough sleep, individuals are more attentive and have more energy to participate in treatment each day.